100 days

So one of the interesting Podcasts that I heard recently (#CodeNewbie) spoke on 100 days of code. I don’t know how much I buy into the idea of 100 days of code, not in the sense of 100 days of code itself is bad, but in the rules for accountability. Some of the literature base that I’ve read, and still hold to since the topic is addressed in the #CodeNewbie episode, is that being vocal about what you do/want to do can be bad. This is especially problematic/notable in the context of New Years coming up.

All that being said, I did start on Harvard’s CS50 course, and I have to say that I really enjoy it and the way it breaks things down. Having sampled a few languages at this point, it’s fun to see the similarities between languages and strucutres. The problem that I found most difficult yesterday was Pset1 with the double pyramids. It took me the longest time to grapple with drawing both a left and a right pyramid and doing so in a way that the left pyramid accounted for spaces.

While also reading today I came across a good r/programming thread that broke down how to implement code more efficently/plan code out. It seemed to break down into a few broad categories:

0.  Define the problem and its expected inputs/outputs

1.  Write out a TODO list in your code comments

2.  If it's more complext make a flowchart

3.  Break stuff down with psuedocode

But like anything else, things vary and some of the comments made note of this as well.

Written on December 30, 2016