A Milestone

This morning at around 2AM I finally completed the first section of The Odin Project: Web Development 101. Looking back at my commit history it took me months to actually end up getting here, which is FAR longer than I expected, but given the detours I took I’m not surprised. I’m just looking forward to learning more.

Awesome Things

Reading through ToP I came across some awesome posts and learning materials.
First up is Thoughbot with their Playbook Which is beautiful in and of itself, but the detail it goes into is astonishing, especially with hiring and best practices, and their style guide on github is to die for. They even have an awesome series of podcasts. I’m certainly a fan of Bikeshed

The other stuff that I came across that I’m loving right now is The Principles of Web Development which are funny but practical. and the Principles of Good Programming which a quick, clear, and easy to understand. I love it.

Written on September 4, 2016