Chatting Away
So one of the things that I’ve wanted to do for a while is build a chat app. Luckily I found a guide online, when I came across a new JS framework(shocker there) of Mithril.js. Now I started to go through and follow along with a youtube series, but unfortunatley it broke after working with it for a bit…sooooo I went back to basics and straight to the source at to get things to work.
This taught me a couple of important lessons, or rather reinforced some key lessons:
Start small/MVP, and KISS, because more complex means more things can break.
Test along the way/after each step/module/method/new feature.
Having clear/simple method names and variable names goes a long way.
Having scanners/input(s) grouped together with the requests/print statements for information is a good thing too.
Those two, along with planning/research seem to be a big part of programming for me.
Another really cool article I came across was on writing your own language. That’s something that I’d like to work up to, but will probably put on the back burner for now.