Climbing the Mountain

Github Contributions

So one of the biggest hesitations that I have is in regards to contributing to open source repos on github. This hesitation/fear largely exists because I fear that I will screw up in some way. Luckily there was an r/learnprogramming post dealing with that exact issue. From there there were a couple of VERY good guides from github and It’s times like these that I’m happy that the developer community is so giving.

EDIT: 08/17/2016 20:09 There was another link that came up in the comments of /r/learnprogramming that I found really well done as well covering the workflow basics of Git here

As a side note there was also a good article on Medium about the path to becoming a web developer.

Awesome Interview Stuff

I also came across some GREAT interview tips and job boards as well from hacker news. This piece is pure gold. It covers everything from how the interview works to what to expect, and best practices/things to know. It’s pretty awesome.

Written on August 17, 2016