
Recently I’ve been looking into attending conferences like Github Universe and the Code for America Summit, but they are a tad bit pricy as one might expect (or not).

In other news these are the things I’ve been working on over the last few days.

Git Best Practices

Git Cheat Sheet. This has been invaluable in reinforcing what I’ve been learning from, and really gives a good look in how to use Git effectively from day to day.

Podcasts! top 8 Must Listen to Podcasts. Really good podcasts in here and I’m a fan of the wit that is on display on their Twitter feed as well.

Generally Good Advice

Good stuff from medium/Free Code Camp. Good advice as always, to practice, practice, practice, and set reasonable goals.

Stuff I’ve Worked on…

I forget where I read it, but the advice was “if you find yourself doing/repeating something every week, see if you can code a solution.” For me that was putting in the headers and the filename to these blog posts which are specific so that Jekyll can read/get along with them and display them properly.

#Creating a Jekyll post template

#Creating the time variable to reference in the post
t =
datestamp = t.strftime("%F")
timestamp = t.strftime("%H:%M")

#requesting user input for filename
puts "Please enter a post title with '-' between each word"
posttitle = gets.chomp

#Creating new file with neccessary standards
new_file ="#{datestamp}-#{posttitle}.md", "a")
new_file.puts("layout: post\n")
new_file.puts("title: #{posttitle}\n")
new_file.puts("date: #{datestamp} #{timestamp}\n")
new_file.puts("author: techenomics1\n")
new_file.puts("comments: true\n")
new_file.puts("categories: [Uncategorized]")


Basically the file generates the filename, timestamp, and datestamp in the way that Jekyll likes, and saves it as a .md file. It saves some time here and there and makes things a bit easier. I also created a similar script for my notes (I’m a huge/obsessive note taker for all of the things I study/learn).


Sentdex is always good for learning Python


Eli the Computer Guy is good for all kinds of stuff

As found on Reddit

Written on August 25, 2016