Day 3 of 100 days of Code

Ok, so today I primarily worked on getting more Java done and setting goals for myself for the class. I know that I want to get at least 170 points of the 183 or so possible. The other thing that’s really interesting and made me stop today, was sitting down and mapping out how many projects I had going on and how many books I wanted to read. I realized that I had 10 projects going on in one form or another, and wanted to read at least 4 books. This made me realize that I really do have to say no more, and have to focus more on what I want to get done. Thus far the projects are as follows:

Reddit Python Projects[]
Learning Django
FCC front end dev certificate
Khan Academy Algorithims
Finishing/polishing my hackathon site/project
Better understanding behavioral interview questions
Going through more Java Vids
MIT 6.00.1x
Kbyte Java lectures

The books are as follows:

Cracking the Coding Interview
Automate the Boring Stuff
Grokking Algorithims
Think like a Computer Scientist

The future projects I want to get done are:

Courseara Algorithims Course
Reddit Tutorial bot[]
Bootstrap your own OS[]

All of the above largely builds on some of the advice from (Jon Deng’s post on how to get a dev job which breaks everything down very nicely)[], and also builds on the advice from Bill Sounour/Dev Master that the work is never done.

Written on February 19, 2017