Hard Conversations Suck

So tonight I had to have a tough conversation with my sister, it wasn’t particularly fun, but we both learned a lot from it and it had a good outcome for everyone, so I’m ok with it. This week in terms of code was pretty good since I’ve been making OK progress on the Java MOOC from MOOC.fi, it’s slow but steady which is fine overall, as long as I’m making progress. I really wish the error messages were more descriptive though for the test outputs since they so often are “You should do X!”, instead of along the better format of “expected X, recieved Y” which is a much more constructive and iterable piece of feedback.

Listening to an interview from Quincy and Bill Sourour from Dev Mastery it was really refreshing to hear a really down to earth point of view on everything from burnout to learning and was really instructive on a wide variety of topics, I really wish there were more interviews like that, podcasts like Software Engineering Daily are also pretty good for that from time to time. I still think that the best thing I learned was that there will always be more work to do.

I’ve also been on the interview circut recently, and its been frustrating because of the information discrepancy that exsits between institutions and individuals, but also because of the seeming lack of respect for time that so many places have in which they may contact you once and ghost you, or they may have you try and fill out a 45 minute application to lose everything at the end with a complete lack of respect for time, or even when you reach out to recruiters with emails and hear nothing back. I truly wish there were a more universialized app that would make things easier, and while that problem space is certainly interesting, it’s a problem I would love to help tackle.

Written on February 16, 2017