Lessons Learned

So I finished the first iteration of Tic Tac Toe, and it didn’t go too badly. I learned a lot from a small sized project.

Things that went well

  • Being able to plan out features, concepts, and ideas

Things That Could Have been Improved on

  • More granualar feature planning, not just the feature itself, but psuedocode/in english how to implement it.

  • More of a ‘ramp up proccess’ in order to get one feature working and build on that instead of trying to do it all at once.

  • Using better time managment and project managament features such as Trello/TODO lists.

Lessons Learned

  • Using Trello is a good idea.

  • Constructing a basic outline of features that you want/need is a good idea, especially with user driven stories.

  • Keep what you need at the core, I had wanted to implement TDD in this initial iteration, but cut it due to wanting to finish, and not having enough experience with rspec.

All that being said, on to the next project!

I’m also finding that I’m really enjoying CodeFights again and the features that they implemented such as the arcade etc… I wish some of the bots had more language selection choices ( Cough Ruby Cough ), but the arcade seems to offer a lot, and I’m happy about that.

Written on October 8, 2016