Odds and Ends

I’ve been wanting to make this post for a while now, but it covers some fun stuff that I’ve found from around the internet.

The first one is several posts from Reddit which cover(s) the topic of when someone ‘knows’ a language which is something I’ve been thinking about for a bit now, since I’m getting further and further into Python and Ruby along with a smattering of other languages. There are other posts from Reddit that cover the same topic as well. At this point I would say that I am familiar with the languages and could look up and implement a solution and know what it does/how it operates and feel comfortable saying that, and one more for good measure.

The topic area that I’ve been interested in is trying to find different open source projects to contribute to which was a tangential topic of conversation on Talk Python to Me the other day which covered Zolando which is a European fashion house/distributor. Needless to say they have a pretty amazing repo. This also touches on something that Quincy Larson posted about the other day in regards to contributing to open source communities TL;DR: Be open and accepting, like Free Code Camp is.

The next set of stuff is larger stuff in regards to water policy and social policy, but it’s still fun. Harvard Business School finds that overmanagment is a 3 trillion dollar problem in the US. While Scientific American argues that we need to invest more in water infrastructure (yay!). While Casually Explained explains and demystifies nonverbal communication/body language (NSFW Language).

Written on September 8, 2016