PR and Politics

Walmart announced today that they’re subsidizing college tution for employees, which is a great notion and more companies should follow suit. However, it’s important to look at the caveats and context with this as well:

  1. PR

In response to movements to increase wages (e.g. fight for $15) Walmart has sought to raise its base wage to $11 an hour, expanded materntiy leave, and increased benefits.

This is moving the needle, but not by much, as Walmart is oftentimes still a challenging workplace for many due to hours constraints, company culture, etc…

  1. Amazon

One of the interesting aspects is if this changes dynamics at all against Amazon, as they are the ones driving down prices, and making huge logistics gains (even with Walmart purchasing Jet), so it seems like Walmart is again focusing on people to try and carve out a niche…which again is a step in the right direction.

  1. Limitations

From what I’ve read so far this program is fairly limited in the degress that it makes available. Furthermore, I’ve not found who this is available to, but I’m willing to bet there are strings attached, which is certainly Walmart’s right, but seemingly undercuts the previously mentiond argument of focusing on people by possibly limiting opportunities and mobility.

Time will tell how this plays out, and if it continues to be a good idea, but for now it seems like an overall positive.

Written on May 30, 2018