Python Projects

So after working on Project 10 of r/beginnerprojects, I can say with certainty that the menu calculator is far easier than hangman or the fibbonacci(sp) sequence. The calculator is direct enough in what it expects with one source of input and then a clear output. Hangman is a more tricky problem to solve because it requires a number of moving parts, and the sequence requires a mathematical thinking that some may not have. All are interesting problems, but for different reasons. Even when you go through and break them down, hangman CLEARLY has more steps/sub-steps in order to achieve completion than anything else. r/beginnerprojects seems to be implicitly/unintentionally enforcing DRY by regularly implmenting menus/CLI selection systems which is both funny and a bit strange since 1. A menu system could be a thing to solve all by itself, and 2. r/beginnerprojects seems to have a strange ramp up in terms of difficulty and seems a bit all over the place. Overall though I enjoy r/beginnerproblems since they are approachable and an enjoyable way to learn a language.

Written on January 14, 2017