
So I recently started on the beta version of FCCs React course/lessons, and coming from a JS background, I’m confused as hell. I have no idea what a component is, arrow functions are weird, I couldn’t tell you what a prop is other than an argument that is passed to a function, maybe? I don’t know when to use plain HTML, and when to use an HTML tag that is named after a component, what the hell is super and how does it work, and why are we using const now?

Basically, React has a steep learning curve, and I’m paying for it now, but I’m struggling through since I’ve found some good resources online through Youtube videos and even FB’s React tutorial.

The other thing I’ve started doing is realizing the 80/20 rule. My biggest problem is that I want to experience/do everything, but never really commit to one thing. Over the last few months I’ve switched from Python, to Ruby, to FCC/JS, to Java, and a few places in between. This is my own personal struggle with what I’ve termed ‘information procrastination’, constantly wanting to experience/learn new things, but not going in depth on any one of them. What I’ve finally settled on is FCC for 80% of the time and Java for the other 20% of the time. 80/20 can mean different things in different contexts depending on how much time one has. I’ve decided to follow this particular solution/path/method because A. FCC is a solid curriculum to get started and still show one’s work, and B. Java is the most employable language out there, and has been for about a decade now according to the TIOBE Index. That last point varies from region to region, and city to city, but I know that for where I’m at, Java has the largest number of openings.

Written on December 19, 2016