Ready Player 1

So I finally a starting iteration of the password generator that I wanted. Right now I’m on iteration 1 of the Trello Board I have associated with it. So in terms of planning what I learned is that having a Trello board is good for understanding the bigger ‘high level’ implementation of core features and nice to haves, but struggles when it comes to the actual implementation.

I think the general path/schedule/route I want to take when developing at this point is:

Step 1:
High level overview of everything, with a general story and understanding of what inputs/outputs are expected

Step 2:
Trello board with feature expectations, beginning user stories, etc...

Step 3:
Do a diagram/flow chart/psuedocode, bound the inputs/outputs clarify any issues that might come up, and do a rough step through of the logic

Step 4:

I’ll be going through this methodology because I found that I was taking longer than I thought I should have when coding up the first iteration of the program, part of that is being rusty with Java overall which will improve with time, but I think I could do better in the planning stages as well and potentially save myself some time and avoid pitfalls.

Written on March 31, 2017