The (Github) Universe Comes Together

Ok, so I’ve been pretty busy this week but I’ve been wanting to make this post covering a TON of stuff.

First up, is that I’ve been doing HackerRank’s ‘30 Days of Code’ every day for the last few days in order to strech my brain in the mornings and get into the swing of things.

Yesterday when I was going through and doing the work I kept on hitting a problem that I didn’t understand mostly in the Boolean logic.

The WRONG type of logic looks like so:

’’’ elsif (6 <= N <= 20) ‘’’

The RIGHT type of code looks like so: ‘’’ elsif (N >= 6 && N <= 20) ‘’’

I thought the first one would be correct because well, that’s how we did it for math right? And programming is like math right? Well, not so much, as Stackoverflow was so kind to point out to me, you have to separate out the logic because if the first statement evalutes to true/false Ruby doesn’t know what operation to perform on it.

Tons of Good Stuff Incoming!!!

Over the last week or so I found and came across a TON of super awesome links. One of the ones I really like from Talk Python to Me (the Podcast) is practice python. Codingbat is pretty similar, but is MUCH more utilitarian and only supports Python 2 :(. Speaking of Podcasts, CodeNewbie had Julia Nguyen on this last week and she has an absolutely BEAUTIFUL site, and an awesome project in ifme.

Medium also hosted a bunch of cool stuff from a variety of authors that ranged from how to make an awesome game in Javascript (Hoorya FreeCodeCamp!), How not negotiating salary can be detrimental in the long term (TL;DR: Not negotiating salary), as well as how to learn more effectively (TL;DR: Get a teacher if you can, repeat repeat repeat, set specific goals on one thing at a time).

Questions and Answers

For a while now I’ve had questions on a number of things, but luckily I’m not a alone like this one from reddit that asks when to start applying for jobs, and this one, also from reddit, that asks what to do after just starting out. There’s also a TON of stuff to read out there, and it’s not always tech books either

More Learning Resources

This week I found scotch…no not the drink (sadly), but which has great tutorials on how to build stuff including a bunch of stuff on React. also has some good React tutorials. If you need to brush up on your RegEx this is pretty good, and if you need to git yourself out of a problem ohshitgit is great for that.

I’m off to Github Universe this week, Yay!!!! Looking forward to meeting some awesome people and learning from/hearing some awesome talks!

Written on September 13, 2016