Trying Something New

Ok, so I’m thinking that something that I’m going to try is upload a video a week or so to Youtube. Mostly this will be focused on working through books, or some aspect of programming that I find interesting/want to learn more about via screencasting.

I have Open Broadcater Software installed and the audio set up and working from it, but now i’m figuring out the Youtube channel etc… So that first hello world video should come in a few days.


So lately I’ve been learning, or rather its been reinforced to me how prescient Quncy’s Hacking Time article has been. I’m also still learning how to properly make a pull request, I’ve found some repos that I want to contribute to, but I’m not ready to make my first pull request yet because I don’t know how (lol). This is something I need to find on Youtube…

Written on September 21, 2016