Twitching and Tweeting

Tweets and other odds and ends

While reading through my usual news feed of tweets including 538, the CA Department of Water Resources, among others. I saw that Free Code Camp was tweeting out some awesome success stories and contributors including Coding Lawyer as well as Kelly Lougheed. Not only do I really love the coding community(especially Saron of CodeNewbies and Ruby Book Club fame), but also the resources that are available (because it’s not like I don’t already post a TON of links to resources on my blog), and the support/positive feedback loops that the whole community provides.


One of the other resources that I came across that I found through Free Code Camp’s retweet of Kelly’s status directed me to for programming. I’ve tried to keep up with livecoding, but my general experience has been that it’s all over the place in terms of skill levels and approachability/accessibility so I’m very happy that I found the twitch channels that I did. Doing a quick look around I found the following

*Free Code Camp (YAY!)


*General Programming Channel

*Programming, with a focus on game development

Overall, some really good stuff that I’m happy that I found.

Edit: This is also a SUPER good resource on /r/web_design

Written on August 21, 2016