Useful Links from Around the Internet

Spark Branding/Design

This one comes from the realm of politics. Basically Spark mocked up a branding/marketing/design strategy for the Gary Johnson campaign a couple of months ago, the campaign used it (poorly) without paying or crediting Spark, so they decided to call out the Johnson campaign and ask that Johnson stop by to talk.

Overall, I think it’s probably a good idea to pay your designers, but also it shows the power of branding/design.


This is a really interesting blog for security/hacking/INFOSEC. I’m really starting to get into INFOSEC topics, but there don’t seem to be a lot of good free resources for how to approach/start in the area. E.G. a path is not nearly as clearly defined as it is in The Odin Project. Fuzyll recently posted repos for previous DEFCON CTFs and some writeups/analysis. Super interesting stuff. Larson

If you don’t know Quincy Larson, he’s the founder of freeCodeCamp, which is a super awesome resource for those who are just starting out freeCodeCamp. I considered using it for a time, but for me The Odin Project seemed to be more intuitive/easy to follow/more straightforward. Quincy is a super awesome guy (TL;DR was a teacher who self taught himself coding and decided to automate the teaching proccess to help others) Source:CodeNewbie. In this writeup he shares his tips for getting the most of the time that we have during the day/night.

  1. If you can do it in 2 minutes or less, do it now.
  2. Can this conversation happen asynchronously (via email, chat, etc…)? *This is because face to face meetings are often resource intensive for all parties involved.
  3. Listen to podcasts/audiobooks while you exercise.

/r/learnprogramming-What are Goals a Beginning Self-Taught Developer Should Have?

Reddit is one of my favorite resources for questions and learning, and this is a good example as to why. Feedback and input from other people who have been there is always valuable. In short: *Learn how to learn *Persistance > Knowledge, and smaller/more often is more effective than doing it all at once *sleep

I’m sure there’s other stuff I’ve found, but that’s what sticks out for now.

Edit 08-09-2016: I ended up finding my old TI-83 Plus, bringing back old nerd chills, and love of all things geek.

Written on August 8, 2016