Work Work Work

So lately I’ve been trying to figure out classes, modules, and mixins. For me thus far they’re the most abstract part of coding, but that makes sense since everything that’s created via a class is an object with its own properties.

Beginning Ruby(3rd ed.) was a big help in understanding classes, but getting the nuance of classes down, and when to implement them/when is best to implement them is still confusing to me. For this, Dave Jones has been SUPER helpful with his classes that he taught a couple of years ago at Spokane Community College. Pretty much the entire semester of Ruby 2 is dedicated to classes, creating them, and implmenting them. It’s really nice to watch and get a professor/someone else to explain it.

The Odin Project, had me implement a Tic Tac Toe game for the latest project and for me it was pretty challenging, but not in the way I thought. When the project called for classes to be used I was really confused on where to go, so I ended up implementing the game via an array, and only using a menu class. I’m still working on the checks for win conditions, but I’m already thinking of how to refactor the game to be better/more readable/better lines of code. It was also my first chance to use Ruby’s rdoc, and I have to say that I absolutely love it.

Classes are still somewhat confusing, but I’ll press onward.

Written on October 5, 2016