Achievement Unlocked

So I was wanting to do something else productive with the Linux/Ubuntu install that I have, and was going through and reinstalling everything when I noticed that railsbridge had a ‘Deploy app to Heroku’ section.

Sure enough I decided to follow instructions and uploaded/deployed my first (simple) app earlier tonight that can be found here. I’m super happy right now to be at this point and I can only keep growing from here.

Edit: 08/22/2016 @ 10:37 -apparently Jekyll gets fussy when you forget to add on the .md file extension and upload the post as a .txt, thus leading any attempts to correct the issue to failure. I had to delete the post, update git/github, recreate the post locally, be sure to save the post as a .md, and then upload the post again so that it would render/display correctly.

Written on August 22, 2016