More coding

I’ve hit one of my first struggles in feeling that I’m not progressing fast enough through project Odin, but that’s to be expected since I’m in a code base that I’m not entirely familiar with.  However, more specifically jQuery still miffs me, even after going through Codeacademy and though Codeschools’  The latter of the two courses, I found to be lacking, because the way that it presented information.  The videos were helpful guides, but in guiding through, they felt very light on explanation of syntax and what each part of the syntax specifically did, the regular movement between classes, objects, elements, IDs, etc… without explaining where they went in the syntax and more importantly WHY they went there left me feeling lost.  I know that I will have to sit down and thoroughly understand jQuery, but this is one of the instances that the podcast that I posted a couple of days ago talked about, in which I’m sucking at something, and the only way to get better at it is through doing more of it until I get comfortable.  Luckily there’s the Odin project for that.

Written on June 6, 2016